Hello! Welcome to the DRIP (Dirt, Rivers, Ice, Particles) Lab, an interdisciplinary group of scientists at the University of Rochester Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences who strive to understand how sediment dynamics influence the evolution of Earth’s surface by drawing connections between Geomorphology and other fields like Fluid Dynamics, Soft Matter and Statistical Physics. We use a combination of theory, numerical models (everything from homegrown “toy” models to CFDEM), physical experiments, and fieldwork to work on problems ranging from grain to landscape scales. Our overarching goal is to figure out “How Stuff Works” at a fundamental level! Check out the News page for the latest about our lab.
DRIP Lab and Friends!
Solifluction lobes in Norway
What do frozen soil patterns have in common with honey and paint drips?
Solifluction lobes in Norway
Simulation of fluvial sediment transport with cubic and spherical grains
Force chain propagation through photoelastic particles after a collision
Earth Surface Processes students on a field trip at Letchworth State Park, NY
How does fish spawning affect sediment transport?
Chimney Bluffs
Earth Surface Processes students on a field trip at Chimney Bluffs State Park, NY
Physical experiment vs. simulation of granular segregation in a rotating drum
How does cohesion affect channel formation?
Genesee Land Trust Teens for the Earth Outreach Event